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bang ai, that's my "daily called". 13 years old. simple, love music, my family, skinny jeans. short jeans, distro , chocolate, BR & NZ Natural, Grand Indo, Plaza senayan, Sency, Pacific place, PIM, Maximum Tune 3DX and 080808. i can't rate myself, how about you?

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

byebye ( tulisan iseng menjadi nilai )

Rabu , 22 April 2009 ..

Hari terakhir kakak kelas 9 belajar di sekolah .. soalnya kamis - jumat mereka libur .. terus senin nya UN .. Tadi sebelum mereka pulang , ada acara maaf-memaaf antara kelas 7-8-9 secara hikmat ( ya abisan banyak yang nangis sih ) .

yah gue doain semoga kakak kelas 9 lulus UN dengan nilai tertinggi , amin .


eh eh tadi kan tadi gue ilp tuh, abis itu gue lupa kalo gue dapet hukuman suruh nulis Sentences In English , soalnya gue ngomong bahasa Indonesia gitu deh kan , yaudah deh gue terpaksa nulis ..
eh pas ditengah pelajaran , gue sedih tuh tiba2 , gue merenung gitu deh gara2 bentar lagi gue gabisa liat kelas 9 lagi :( .. akhirnya gue melampiaskan-nya ( yeah ) dengan menulis kata2 bahasa inggris .. eh tiba2 di tengah2 pelajaran, tulisan gue diambil sama guru gue ! ah gue udah ngebayang yang engga2 tuh .. yang dibacain keras2 lah .. yang dipamerin ke anak2 lah .. adooh .. eh taunya malah dia nilai terus ngomong " wow, i like it, good job " ..
-______- aneh juga tapi bagus deh , dapet nilai ..

tulisannya kayak gini nih ..

Look at the sky, and search behind the night .
The stars are laughing at us , but wait ..
They try to release their power , they try to make the night shinier .

So, as the moon falls in love with the clouds ..
we can dance to celebrate it, we can dance before the day is running out ..
it's easy girl, just step your foot above the land, and turn around as the wind blew your hair ..

We will dance untill The Sun says hello to earth
untill The Moon says goodbye to the clouds ..
untill you say goodbye to me ..

Moment will appear as a memory, but a memory can be forgotten ..
please keep it safe, dig your heart deeper ,
find some safety place to put our story safely from everyone
to put the words that i've told you as far as this story ends

to put everything about you, about me and about us ..
to put our moment and our love becomes one :')

Haha , lebay ye ? apa sok2 puitis ? ya namanya juga sedih ditinggal kakak kelas, yega si ? apalagi ditinggal sama .... hahaha udah ah sst diem-diem aja ya yang tau :D

My love have to move on with her destiny , so what can i do ? i will be waiting for you so we can make a party to celebrate our love , maybe ?

goodluck ya kelas 9

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